We are LGB Christians, a new network of lesbian, gay and bi Christians and our friends. LGB Christians will defend the rights of same-sex attracted people in the face of increasing backlash, confusion, and risks caused by ideas which replace the biological reality of the two sexes with self defined, gender identities. We are ecumenical and non-party political.

Excitement and Pride at the LGB Christians Inaugural Christmas Party

A selection of images from the LGB Christians 2024 Christmas Party
A report on our thoroughly enjoyable first Christmas party in Clapham in December 2024.

Book Review: Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch

Cover of Lower Than The Angels by Diarmaid MacCulloch
Mark Bratton's review highlights key elements of Diarmaid MacCulloch's new history which are pertinent to the mission of LGB Christians.

Hearts, Not Garments: A Response to the Makin Review

A man covers his face with his arms in an image representing despair.
On behalf of LGB Christians, Mark Chater offers this response to the Makin Review which was published in October 2024 into the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth.

Growing. Hopeful. Determined: The 2024 LGB Alliance Conference Report: Our Lives, Our Future

Selection of Images from the LGB Alliance 2024 Conference
Mark Chater highlights progress at the 2024 LGB Alliance Conference, with growing support for women’s rights and safeguarding children. The LGB Christians stand thrived, building connections and exploring new opportunities, while the event stayed resilient despite a disruptive protest.

A Conversation with Diarmaid MacCulloch: Author of Lower than the Angels: A New History of Sex and Christianity

Historian Diarmaid MacCulloch, in Lower than the Angels, explores Christianity’s complex history of sexual ethics, advocating for neutrality and natural law over modern labels. He and interviewer Benjamin Morse critique today’s ideological rigidity, likening it to fundamentalism, and emphasize the need for nuanced understanding.

Media Release: Church of England drops the term ‘trans child’ in new schools guidance.

A media release responding to the final version of the Church of England's new schools guidance, Flourishing for All. We cautiously welcome the updated guidance, particularly noting the removal of the term 'trans child' as a positive step."

Resolute and Focused: A Year into our Vital Mission.

Medieval Painting of Castration
Rev Lorenzo Fernandez-Smal, a year on from the launch of LGB Christians in October 2023, reflects on the challenges ahead for those who question gender identity ideology, given its widespread adoption.

Travelling Hopefully – LGB Christians Gather in Paddington

Photo of St Mary's Paddington with LGB Christians Logo
Theologian and educationalist, Mark Chater reflects on the LGB Christians event over the summer, our discussions and hope for the future.

Is there a Future for Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)?

Image Depicting Diversity in the Workplace
Dr Sarah Rutherford examines the state of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and calls for changes to enhance its relevance and effectiveness. She pays particular attention to DEI's impact on corporations and the customers they serve.

Book Review: Transformations – Grounding Theology in Trans and Non-Binary Lives by Alex Clare-Young

Book Cover of Transformations by Alex Clare-Young
Mark Bratton reviews 'Transformations: Grounding Theology in Trans and Non-Binary Lives by Alex Clare-Young

Paradise Calling:  Inclusive Church and the Masquerade of Good Intentions

Benjamin Morse reflects on his journey as a gay Christian, navigating the challenges of faith and identity. He discusses how his supportive Episcopal upbringing protected him from self-doubt, and his struggle with more progressive views. Despite these challenges, Morse remains committed to his faith, advocating for a Christianity that sees suffering as a path to knowing God.

Chasing Brownie Points: How the Anglican Church and Conservatives Fell for Gender Ideology

Gillian Philip examines the similarities between the Conservative Party and the Anglican Church and shows how they became captured by gender identity ideology.

The Church of England’s schism over same-sex blessings: A Primer

Mark Chater delves into the long, complex maze of church politics and the theology that has overtaken same sex blessings.  He challenges the latest schismatic threats and asks what can be done.

The Cass Review: Will Activism Hinder its Implementation?

Dr Carole Sherwood shares concerns about the fate of the Cass Review if its future is determind by an activists agenda. How have the major therapeutic networks responded?

Back to Nazareth: The Christian case for LGB Inclusion

Mark Chater appeals for a broad and generous reading of the relevant biblical texts in the light of the current schism between orthodox and liberal christians in the Church of England over the blessing of same sex unions.

Press Release: Proposed CofE Guidance for Schools:  Contested viewpoints need further consideration

Lesbian, Gay and Bi Christians and our friends has submitted its response to the Church of England’s consultation on proposed new guidelines for schools regarding bullying. The consultation, affecting 4,630 Church of England schools and 200 church schools in Wales, closed yesterday. We welcome ‘Flourishing for All: Anti-bullying Guidance for Church of England Schools’, but ...

Media Release: Church of England plays fast and loose with Cass Review

Press release in response to the proposed anti-bullying guidance for use in Church of England schools. We are concerned that the concerns expressed in the Cass review have not been properly addressed.

Book Review: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt

Mark Bratton reviews ‘The anxious generation: How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness’ by Jonathan Haidt (Penguin Press, 2024) Jonathan Haidt, a prominent American moral and social psychologist, has already authored two influential books exploring the moral psychology of political and religious differences and the culture of ‘safetyism’ afflicting ...

Safeguarding: Where has it gone so wrong?

Cathy Mudge reports on the groundbreaking research of Protect and Teach and the disturbing findings.

Exclusive: Debbie Hayton’s testimony

Image from cover of Debbie Hayton's Book Transexual Apostate
Debbie Hayton, describes her faith journey as a transwoman describing how she feels more comfortable talking about her transexualism.

Press Release: LGB Christians welcome Department for Education’s proposed RSE Guidance

We warmly welcome the DfE’s proposed new Guidance on Relationships and Sex Education. We hope it will become statutory in its present form. We affirm the broad direction of the Guidance in its emphasis on scientific realities and age-appropriate limits. We accept that not everyone will agree with every detail in the Guidance. In a ...

A Scandal for Schools

Image of distressed girl sitting on a step.
Rachel Evans writes as a lesbian christian secondary school teacher with over 25 years experience about why the Cass Review offers hope, not hate.

Walking Deeper with God

Rev Glenn Martin explores approaches to deepening our relationship with God: retreats, spiritual direction and Ignatian spirituality.

Catholic Bishops show a way forward in gender crisis

Image of various logos including Cass Review, Church of England and Catholic Church
The Church of England and all other Anglican and ecumenical ‘inclusive’ organisations have yet to utter a word. Or dare they not because they have been so egregiously wrong? We at LGB Christians believe that the report by Dr Hilary Cass into the care of children and young people who are experiencing gender distress should ...

The Cass Review: response from LGB Christians to CofE Education Office

Image Featuring Rev Nigel Genders, Hilary Cass, The Cass Review Logo and cover of Valuing All God's Children Report
LGB Christians are very concerned by the influence of gender identity ideology over the Church of England.  Here, we share recent correspondence with Rev Nigel Genders CBE, the Chief Education Officer of the Church of England (pictured in the image) in the light of the Cass review. Dear Mr Genders We are an ecumenical and ...

LGB Christians responds to The Tablet editorial “Human Dignity And A Warning From History”

An Editorial from The Tablet from 11 April 2024
LGB Christians responded to The Tablet editorial “Human Dignity and a Warning from History” from 12th April 2024 with the following letter. Dear Sir, In implying that being ‘transgender’ is like being gay, viz. “a non-pathological minority variant in the human condition” (Editorial – Human Dignity A Warning Form History, 12th April 2024), and thus ...

LGB Christians responds to The Tablet’s Hannah Barnes article “I couldn’t keep it to myself”

Photo of Hannah Barnes with Book Cover of Time To Think
The following letter from LGB Christians was published in The Tablet on 12 April 2024, in response to their 4 April 2024 article I couldn’t keep it to myself Dear Sir, We were heartened by your article on Hannah Barnes’ book, ‘A Time to Think’, and by her interview. We are a newly formed network ...

Reflections on Inclusive Christianity

Rev. Mike Starkey, Anglican clergyman, journalist, broadcaster, and cultural commentator, breaks the mold with this exceptionally well-observed piece on the 'alphabet soup' and its relationship to Christianity. "The LGBTQ+ acronym has expanded over time, from the early clustering of LGB in the 1980s to its present form. The lobby group Stonewall added the T as recently as 2015. There are many forms of the acronym in use today. I use LGBTQ+ here as it’s the version currently approved by Stonewall," he writes exclusively for LGB Christians...

Sex Matters to Quakers

Image of heart by Robbie Spence
by Robbie Spence Sex Matters to Quakers (SMtQ) is a small, informal group of Quakers in Britain who meet monthly to consider how to challenge the gender ideology that has captured the headquarters of Quakers in Britain. Our roots go back ten years to when Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans, a Quaker philosopher who has written several ...

Letter to Church Times about concept of gender identity in C of E schools

Letter from Sarah Rutherford on behalf of LGB Christians published in the Church Times on Friday 2nd February 2024 Sir, LGB Christians is a newly formed network of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Christians and their friends. We would like to add our voice to the concerns raised by many parents and others over the media ...

A ‘Conversion Therapy Ban’ is not a simple matter

An LGB Christians discussion paper: It is assumed by many in the media that ‘the LGBT community’ is unanimously behind a call for the banning of so-called “conversion therapy” in the UK. But the issue is far more complicated than many organisations are willing to acknowledge. Those in favour of a ban have the benefit of being able to simply repeat media-friendly slogans - which are not always fully candid or honest -  whereas those urging caution have to express lengthy and nuanced points. Here we will attempt to unpack the issues as straightforwardly as possible.

Gender Identity captures the CofE: ‘the shameful brainwashing of children’

Church House, London. Photo credit: Paasikivi, Wikipedia.
Dr Sarah Rutherford's describes the background to the Church of England's adoption of gender identity ideology via it's anti-bullying school's document 'Valuing All God's Children'. She describes her dealings with the Board of Education and the influence of Stonewall.

The dark side of Inclusivity

Perhaps it is in the post-post modernist vacuum, filled with a polarised and simplistic furore on social media over anything and everything, that identity politics and the philosophy of critical theory – where the end result is that people are either villains or victims – have taken residence.

A place we could think and speak freely

Kate Harris & Bev Jackson
Mark Chater writes: "Then the thumping music started, Kate Harris (LGBA's co-founder) strode on to the stage dressed in a bright orange suit, and immediately there was a wordless surge of joy: we were home, with our own people, lesbian women, gay men, and bisexuals, all together in a place where we could speak freely, think freely, and reach clarity about who we are in the world. Read more...

A Question of Courage

We were proud to launch LGB Christians at the third LGB Alliance Conference on 27th October 2023 with a stall, one among many, in the busy conference lobby at The Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster. A few days earlier we released a press release and unveiled our website, with a mailing to nearly 500 ...

Friendly faces at the LGB Alliance Conference

It was wonderful to see so many friends and supporters at our stand at the LGB Alliance conference on 27 October, where we officially launched the LGB Christians network. It was particularly good to catch up with some well-known faces, including (from top left): Barry Wall, EDUJester blogger and Youtuber; Sarah Mapstone, campaigner, Maya Forstater, ...

Join our launch at the LGB Alliance Conference – 27 October 2023

BOOK NOW LGB Christians launches on Friday 27 October at the third LGB Alliance Conference in Westminster, Central London. The conference, ‘A Question of Courage’ will feature expert speakers including Simon Edge and Simon Fanshawe, two of our supporters.  They will be debating the most important issues of the day for lesbians, gay men and ...

Press Release: LGB Christians Launches

New National Network to support gender-critical lesbian, gay and bisexual Christians - “LGB Christians has come into existence because of numerous conversations, personal experience, much listening and extensive research. As Christians we accept and reaffirm the existence of biological reality as part of God’s creation; we are born men or women, not ‘assigned’.

Same-sex attracted Christians are now caught between two competing orthodoxies

Revd Lorenzo Fernandez-Smal writes: Gender ideology is a system that not only requires faith from its believers, but mute obedience from everyone else. It seeks not only to silence dissent politically, but a big part of its activism is also centred around queer theory and therefore around redefining words and meanings to change perceived heteronormative power structures. It robs those who oppose it from their vocabulary: woman, man, sex, gay, lesbian. Queer is not a sexuality, it's an activist identity, a badge of sophistry.

Hopeful exchanges at The Tablet

Hopeful exchanges are happening at The Tablet, the international Catholic weekly paper. On the 30th September an article by Professor Emerita Tina Beattie, a retired theologian, sounded a note of caution about opening up uncritically to the full spectrum of LGBTQ+. Tina Beattie has strong credentials as a theologian who has repeatedly challenged the Catholic ...

Grandad’s Pride – Liberalism’s Shame

Tina Beattie writes about the troubling fact of review censorship. She says: “I’ve spent weeks thinking about how to express my concerns over Harry Woodgate’s award-winning book, Grandad’s Pride, written for children with a reading age of 3+ (Amazon US) or 4+ (Amazon UK). I’ve pored over it, trying to see it through different eyes, ...

The New Pharisees

In the past, The Edinburgh Fringe did not shy away from cutting edge or controversial performances, so it was a great surprise to Graham Linehan – who, as creator of Father Ted, was used to taking flak from the Christian Right – when calls for his ‘cancellation’ came instead from the Left. These “Identitarians” are, ...