It was wonderful to see so many friends and supporters at our stand at the LGB Alliance conference on 27 October, where we officially launched the LGB Christians network.
It was particularly good to catch up with some well-known faces, including (from top left):
Barry Wall, EDUJester blogger and Youtuber; Sarah Mapstone, campaigner, Maya Forstater, research fellow, executive director of Sex Matters thinktank, and women’s-rights campaigner who successfully sued her employer for discrimination; Richard Collumbell, gay and workplace rights campaigner at SEEN; Clive Simpson, podcaster, presenter of “The Queen’s Speech“; Dr Az Hakeem, psychiatrist and author of DeTrans, and other topical books; Kate Harris, lifelong feminist and lesbian activist and a co-founder and trustee of LGB Alliance; Simon Fanshaw, author and broadcaster; Hellen Joyce, journalist and author; Tulip R/Richie Herron, detransitioner and campaigner who is suing the NHS for fast tracking him towards sex-change surgery without adequate safeguarding; Sir Peter Bottomley MP, Father of the House of Commons; Julie Bindel, journalist, feminist, and lesbian campaigner; Malcolm Clark, documentary filmmaker for television; Richard Kirker, LGB Alliance patron and former Chief Executive of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement; Tony Green, former press officer for the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement.
The enthusiasm expressed at the launch was very encouraging and we will publish a fuller account soon.