
Excitement and Pride at the LGB Christians Inaugural Christmas Party

A selection of images from the LGB Christians 2024 Christmas Party

A report on our thoroughly enjoyable first Christmas party in Clapham in December 2024.

Book Review: Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch

Cover of Lower Than The Angels by Diarmaid MacCulloch

Mark Bratton's review highlights key elements of Diarmaid MacCulloch's new history which are pertinent to the mission of LGB Christians.

Hearts, Not Garments: A Response to the Makin Review

A man covers his face with his arms in an image representing despair.

On behalf of LGB Christians, Mark Chater offers this response to the Makin Review which was published in October 2024 into the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth.

Growing. Hopeful. Determined: The 2024 LGB Alliance Conference Report: Our Lives, Our Future

Selection of Images from the LGB Alliance 2024 Conference

Mark Chater highlights progress at the 2024 LGB Alliance Conference, with growing support for women’s rights and safeguarding children. The LGB Christians stand thrived, building connections and exploring new opportunities, while the event stayed resilient despite a disruptive protest.

A Conversation with Diarmaid MacCulloch: Author of Lower than the Angels: A New History of Sex and Christianity

Historian Diarmaid MacCulloch, in Lower than the Angels, explores Christianity’s complex history of sexual ethics, advocating for neutrality and natural law over modern labels. He and interviewer Benjamin Morse critique today’s ideological rigidity, likening it to fundamentalism, and emphasize the need for nuanced understanding.

Media Release: Church of England drops the term ‘trans child’ in new schools guidance.

A media release responding to the final version of the Church of England's new schools guidance, Flourishing for All. We cautiously welcome the updated guidance, particularly noting the removal of the term 'trans child' as a positive step."

Resolute and Focused: A Year into our Vital Mission.

Medieval Painting of Castration

Rev Lorenzo Fernandez-Smal, a year on from the launch of LGB Christians in October 2023, reflects on the challenges ahead for those who question gender identity ideology, given its widespread adoption.

Travelling Hopefully – LGB Christians Gather in Paddington

Photo of St Mary's Paddington with LGB Christians Logo

Theologian and educationalist, Mark Chater reflects on the LGB Christians event over the summer, our discussions and hope for the future.

Is there a Future for Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)?

Image Depicting Diversity in the Workplace

Dr Sarah Rutherford examines the state of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and calls for changes to enhance its relevance and effectiveness. She pays particular attention to DEI's impact on corporations and the customers they serve.

Book Review: Transformations – Grounding Theology in Trans and Non-Binary Lives by Alex Clare-Young

Book Cover of Transformations by Alex Clare-Young

Mark Bratton reviews 'Transformations: Grounding Theology in Trans and Non-Binary Lives by Alex Clare-Young