Walking Deeper with God

Rev Glenn Martin

Spiritual exploration for LGB people by Rev Glenn Martin

After a long time in ministry I had to discover many ways to sustain myself, as well others, and to develop and maintain a vibrant relationship with God.

Primarily I discovered my ministry was to be in the area of spiritually supporting people.  Principally this worked out to be in the area of leading retreats, quiet days and giving Spiritual Direction. I particularly felt drawn to Ignatian Spirituality.

I discovered that for the LGB community it is often difficult to find someone who both understands the spiritual needs of our community and is also prepared to work within the LGB community.

I found leading retreats and quiet days using the Ignatian style helpful for many LGB people to have a sense of belonging in spiritual spheres. It allows people to enter into their deeper selves and bring the core of themselves into a deeper awareness of God.

Ignatian spirituality traces the life of Christ and to allow us get a deeper connection with the Christian life. It helps us to find our journey as an individual and not to behave in a prescribed way. There is space to find our failures and strengths, our weaknesses and joys. We can begin to discover the deeper self and our need for the healing spirit to work within us.

With our sexuality, whatever form that takes, we are invited by God to allow Him/Her in and in contemplation and meditation begin a journey with God discovering more of His ways and guidance.

We are invited through imagination to read a Gospel passage and think about what it means. Then, to read it again and imagine the scene we have read about and finally read it again and thus enter the scene with our imagination as if we were there. We are drawn into a conversation with someone in the biblical scenario and hold a conversation for as long as we feel led.

We record that conversation and as we progress through a week, or the time we allow for this experience. Finally we develop a picture of what is important to us and how God may be speaking to us. How should our life change, need healing, find its purpose?

Similarly, Spiritual direction on a one to one basis can help to bring a person to a deeper walk with God.

I have met many LGB people on retreats and through spiritual direction. It has a particular charism for our community and to enhance the spiritual gifts and prayer God is calling us to be and use. I offer these thoughts as a possible beginning for someone, however inadequately presented.

About Glen

Glen, 71, is a retired Church of England parish priest and Church Army Officer with 50 years service under his belt. He has spent 18 years as a Hospital chaplain in the Trent Regional Health Authority.  Contact Glen via LGB Christians.

For Spiritual direction, contact your local diocese via their website.

Further Reading


The work of Jesuits in Britain

Jesuit Centre in London

St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre

The Association for Promoting Retreats

Recommended Ignatian books

The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola

Cynthia Bourgeault – Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening