
Media Release: Church of England drops the term ‘trans child’ in new schools guidance.

A media release responding to the final version of the Church of England's new schools guidance, Flourishing for All. We cautiously welcome the updated guidance, particularly noting the removal of the term 'trans child' as a positive step."

Press Release: Proposed CofE Guidance for Schools:  Contested viewpoints need further consideration

Lesbian, Gay and Bi Christians and our friends has submitted its response to the Church of England’s consultation on proposed new guidelines for schools regarding bullying. The consultation, affecting 4,630 Church of England schools and 200 church schools in Wales, closed yesterday. We welcome ‘Flourishing for All: Anti-bullying Guidance for Church of England Schools’, but ...

Safeguarding: Where has it gone so wrong?

Cathy Mudge reports on the groundbreaking research of Protect and Teach and the disturbing findings.

Press Release: LGB Christians welcome Department for Education’s proposed RSE Guidance

We warmly welcome the DfE’s proposed new Guidance on Relationships and Sex Education. We hope it will become statutory in its present form. We affirm the broad direction of the Guidance in its emphasis on scientific realities and age-appropriate limits. We accept that not everyone will agree with every detail in the Guidance. In a ...

A Scandal for Schools

Image of distressed girl sitting on a step.

Rachel Evans writes as a lesbian christian secondary school teacher with over 25 years experience about why the Cass Review offers hope, not hate.

LGB Christians responds to The Tablet’s Hannah Barnes article “I couldn’t keep it to myself”

Photo of Hannah Barnes with Book Cover of Time To Think

The following letter from LGB Christians was published in The Tablet on 12 April 2024, in response to their 4 April 2024 article I couldn’t keep it to myself Dear Sir, We were heartened by your article on Hannah Barnes’ book, ‘A Time to Think’, and by her interview. We are a newly formed network ...

Letter to Church Times about concept of gender identity in C of E schools

Letter from Sarah Rutherford on behalf of LGB Christians published in the Church Times on Friday 2nd February 2024 Sir, LGB Christians is a newly formed network of lesbian, gay, and bisexual Christians and their friends. We would like to add our voice to the concerns raised by many parents and others over the media ...

Gender Identity captures the CofE: ‘the shameful brainwashing of children’

Church House, London. Photo credit: Paasikivi, Wikipedia.

Dr Sarah Rutherford's describes the background to the Church of England's adoption of gender identity ideology via it's anti-bullying school's document 'Valuing All God's Children'. She describes her dealings with the Board of Education and the influence of Stonewall.