gender critical

Public servant sued for saying sex is binary

Image of Andreas Mueller

A colleague is taking me, a government department and the Arms-Length Body (ALB) where I work to an Employment Tribunal. I am being sued for expressing gender critical beliefs at work. The claimant is also trying to shut down the gender critical SEEN (Sex Equality and Equity Network) staff network that I co-chair.

Hounded out of my job in publishing

Ursula Doyle has worked in book publishing for over thirty years, including at Hachette UK since 2008. She founded her own imprint, Fleet, in 2016, which has published award-winning books. In 2020, Ursula published Kathleen Stock’s “Material Girls,” leading to severe backlash from colleagues, who accused her of bigotry and transphobia, often tagging her employer, ...

Victimised after whistleblowing over Civil Service impartiality

My name is Eleanor Frances and I was forced out of the Civil Service after whistleblowing about discrimination and breaches of impartiality on sex and gender issues.

Challenging Bullying and Harassment in the Liberal Democrat Party

My employment tribunal claim argues that I was discriminated against and harassed by my employer, the Liberal Democrat MP, as well as the Liberal Democratic Party because of my gender-critical beliefs. I am also arguing that the Liberal Democrat MP discriminated against me because of my neurodivergence and victimised me because I raised this and ...

Gender critical lesbian discriminated against by local authority

Lizzy Pitt, a social worker and lesbian, firmly believes in the importance of biological sex, particularly as it relates to her attraction to women. She does not believe men can become women. When she voiced her “gender critical” views in her workplace’s LGBTQIA group, she faced a group complaint and disciplinary action aimed at silencing ...