
Hearts, Not Garments: A Response to the Makin Review

A man covers his face with his arms in an image representing despair.

On behalf of LGB Christians, Mark Chater offers this response to the Makin Review which was published in October 2024 into the Church of England’s handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth.

Media Release: Church of England drops the term ‘trans child’ in new schools guidance.

A media release responding to the final version of the Church of England's new schools guidance, Flourishing for All. We cautiously welcome the updated guidance, particularly noting the removal of the term 'trans child' as a positive step."

Chasing Brownie Points: How the Anglican Church and Conservatives Fell for Gender Ideology

Gillian Philip examines the similarities between the Conservative Party and the Anglican Church and shows how they became captured by gender identity ideology.

Media Release: Church of England plays fast and loose with Cass Review

Press release in response to the proposed anti-bullying guidance for use in Church of England schools. We are concerned that the concerns expressed in the Cass review have not been properly addressed.

Safeguarding: Where has it gone so wrong?

Cathy Mudge reports on the groundbreaking research of Protect and Teach and the disturbing findings.

Exclusive: Debbie Hayton’s testimony

Image from cover of Debbie Hayton's Book Transexual Apostate

Debbie Hayton, describes her faith journey as a transwoman describing how she feels more comfortable talking about her transexualism.

Press Release: LGB Christians welcome Department for Education’s proposed RSE Guidance

We warmly welcome the DfE’s proposed new Guidance on Relationships and Sex Education. We hope it will become statutory in its present form. We affirm the broad direction of the Guidance in its emphasis on scientific realities and age-appropriate limits. We accept that not everyone will agree with every detail in the Guidance. In a ...

A Scandal for Schools

Image of distressed girl sitting on a step.

Rachel Evans writes as a lesbian christian secondary school teacher with over 25 years experience about why the Cass Review offers hope, not hate.

Whistleblowing and Safeguarding Concerns at the Tavistock and Portman

My name is Dr Lynne Amidon and I am a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and Team Manager working for the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. I qualified as a Child Psychotherapist in 1999 and have spent the past 24 years of my life working with abused and neglected children trying to ensure they are ...

The Cass Review: response from LGB Christians to CofE Education Office

Image Featuring Rev Nigel Genders, Hilary Cass, The Cass Review Logo and cover of Valuing All God's Children Report

LGB Christians are very concerned by the influence of gender identity ideology over the Church of England.  Here, we share recent correspondence with Rev Nigel Genders CBE, the Chief Education Officer of the Church of England (pictured in the image) in the light of the Cass review. Dear Mr Genders We are an ecumenical and ...