
Gay Shame

By Gareth Roberts   Available from Hachette
Book cover of Gay Shame by Gareth Roberts

Only a few years ago, it seemed that the fight for gay rights was won in the UK: legal equality was achieved, prejudice rapidly dying out. Mission accomplished, right? Wrong, argues Gareth Roberts. Homophobia is making a major comeback under the guise of the ideology of ‘gender identity’. The enforcers of this new creed insist that attraction to people of the same sex is ‘hateful’. They argue that effeminate men and butch women can’t just be gay, but must ‘really’ be trans. Worse, this ideology has colonised the gay rights movement, capturing institutions like Stonewall and the gay press completely. Anyone who disagrees risks professional suicide. So what happened to the funny, grown-up culture, truth-telling and knowing irony of gay men? How and why was the older gay rights activism, which gifted such progress to homosexual people, hijacked? In this passionate, witty polemic, Gareth Roberts answers these questions and argues that we need a new gay liberation movement.

Catholic Bishops show a way forward in gender crisis

Image of various logos including Cass Review, Church of England and Catholic Church

The Church of England and all other Anglican and ecumenical ‘inclusive’ organisations have yet to utter a word. Or dare they not because they have been so egregiously wrong? We at LGB Christians believe that the report by Dr Hilary Cass into the care of children and young people who are experiencing gender distress should ...

The Cass Review: response from LGB Christians to CofE Education Office

Image Featuring Rev Nigel Genders, Hilary Cass, The Cass Review Logo and cover of Valuing All God's Children Report

LGB Christians are very concerned by the influence of gender identity ideology over the Church of England.  Here, we share recent correspondence with Rev Nigel Genders CBE, the Chief Education Officer of the Church of England (pictured in the image) in the light of the Cass review. Dear Mr Genders We are an ecumenical and ...

Reflections on Inclusive Christianity

Rev. Mike Starkey, Anglican clergyman, journalist, broadcaster, and cultural commentator, breaks the mold with this exceptionally well-observed piece on the 'alphabet soup' and its relationship to Christianity. "The LGBTQ+ acronym has expanded over time, from the early clustering of LGB in the 1980s to its present form. The lobby group Stonewall added the T as recently as 2015. There are many forms of the acronym in use today. I use LGBTQ+ here as it’s the version currently approved by Stonewall," he writes exclusively for LGB Christians...

Gender Identity captures the CofE: ‘the shameful brainwashing of children’

Church House, London. Photo credit: Paasikivi, Wikipedia.

Dr Sarah Rutherford's describes the background to the Church of England's adoption of gender identity ideology via it's anti-bullying school's document 'Valuing All God's Children'. She describes her dealings with the Board of Education and the influence of Stonewall.

Same-sex attracted Christians are now caught between two competing orthodoxies

Revd Lorenzo Fernandez-Smal writes: Gender ideology is a system that not only requires faith from its believers, but mute obedience from everyone else. It seeks not only to silence dissent politically, but a big part of its activism is also centred around queer theory and therefore around redefining words and meanings to change perceived heteronormative power structures. It robs those who oppose it from their vocabulary: woman, man, sex, gay, lesbian. Queer is not a sexuality, it's an activist identity, a badge of sophistry.