The Cass Review

The Cass Review: Will Activism Hinder its Implementation?

Dr Carole Sherwood shares concerns about the fate of the Cass Review if its future is determind by an activists agenda. How have the major therapeutic networks responded?

Media Release: Church of England plays fast and loose with Cass Review

Press release in response to the proposed anti-bullying guidance for use in Church of England schools. We are concerned that the concerns expressed in the Cass review have not been properly addressed.

The Cass Review: response from LGB Christians to CofE Education Office

Image Featuring Rev Nigel Genders, Hilary Cass, The Cass Review Logo and cover of Valuing All God's Children Report

LGB Christians are very concerned by the influence of gender identity ideology over the Church of England.  Here, we share recent correspondence with Rev Nigel Genders CBE, the Chief Education Officer of the Church of England (pictured in the image) in the light of the Cass review. Dear Mr Genders We are an ecumenical and ...